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Local Network Only Desired


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Since we upgraded our Retrospect Backup Client machines to WXP SP2 OS, and the Domain Controller to W2003 Server, clients are being backed up over the internet, and VPN.


Retrsopect ignored Retrospect 6.5.356 VPN, or otherwise remote clients on W2K OS, and only backuped up clients on the local network.


WXP Pro SP2 Firewall has the port 497 exception for Retrospect. However the problem is independant if the MS Firewall is on or off.


We don't VPN or internet clients recognized by Retrospect, it consumes too much bandwith, and is slower, and faster local network backups do not run while the server is copying slow remote users.


How can make remote users invisible to the Retrospect Server.


Thank You

Henry Christle

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