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Can't read, error -1111 (locked range conflict)

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I replied to a post in the 'General Use' forum, but am posting a new message here..



I'm running MultiServer v6.5.350 and I can't backup a quickbooks file. I get the 'locked range conflict' error. I have the Open File License and I've tried adjusting the Disk Inactivity Threshold but it doesn't work. It doesn't even retry for the default 10 minutes of Retry Timeout, it simply gives up. Any idea on

how to resolve this? Besides closing the database of course...

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Are you backing up through a network share or did you install the client onto the machine with Quickbooks? If you are going through a network share, Retrospect will be unable to use Open File Backup. The source you select should be from under Backup Clients and not My Network Places.

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That's it! Thanks for the speedy reply!


I did have the client installed but I had it selected from a network share... It makes perfect sense if I think about it. However when I was backing it up from a network share the backup status said "Preparing for Open File Backup", so I was assuming it didn't have a problem with the Volume selection. Thanks again... -g

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