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Running Retrospect Multi-Server 6.0 with Open File Backup Option


Open File Backup is not running successfully because the error message, "disk inactivity threshold not met." The server in question acts as a mail server, fax server, sql server and file server. I need to be able to script the backup to stop the mail server service, the fax server service and the sql server service. Doing that as the first act of the backup would allow Open File Backup to run and permit me (fingers crossed) to get a perfect backup. As the last act, I need the script to be able to restart the services in question.


Q. How do I make Retrspect 6.0 stop running services, or invoke a program (VB script, probably) which does?

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If you need to stop and start services on a computer to be backed up, you can:


Issue the <NET STOP "yourservicehere"> command from Scheduled Tasks (control panel) right before a scheduled backup. Then issue a restart or a NET START command from scheduled tasks when the backup is finished. Problem with this method is that you don't really know when the backup will finish.


Better yet, put your NET STOP and NET START commands into a retroeventhandler.bat. If you're not familiar with this, it's in the docs somewhere. Pretty powerful tool that lets you trigger scripts (or just simple AT commands) at the beginning and end of a backup. It's pretty cool.


For all the goods on the NET command, open a command prompt and type: NET /help




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