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Retrospect 6.5 backing up a MS SQL 6.5 database?


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I have the wonderful task of performing backups on an NT4/SQL Server 6.5 system. I know, it ought to be updated, and I expect it will be replaced with current OS and database in a few months. In the meantime, I need to be backing it up. The copy of Retrospect Multi-server with the SQL DB module will not backup a SQL 6.5 database -- it appears to only work with SQL 7 and 2000, and the open file module will not backup a running SQL database.


Has anyone run into this situation before, and if so, how did you solve it?


Thanks in advance,


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The open file module will back up a running SQL database. (Actually it will backup any database it just can't do an incremental backup - you will get a full every time) You just need to make sure to run the backup at a time when disk activity is low. Otherwise the open file function won't be able to engage.




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