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multi OS backup


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I have just started using Retrospect express and am not very farmiliar with it. I have recently reconfigured my system with boot magic using multiple opperating systems. I am wanting to backup the opperating system setup and configuration as it is a giant and lengthy task to recreate. I have not been able to do a duplicate of one OS while running another OS as boot magic hides the partitions containing inactive OS's to prevent conflicts. Is there any way to recognise a hidden partition and will duplicate do a full bootable backup. The pdf manual instructs you to install your operating system, then retrospect, and then restore if using a backup so this wouldn't seem to be appropriate to backup the OS installation. Is there a way to backup the entire hard disk to another hard disk or to cd's including hidden partitions. Any sugestions on how to backup such a system with retrospect express or other software if retrospect is not sutable for this application would be greatly appreciated.

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