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How do I do a "differential" backup?

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After I do a full backup, it seems like my only option for my normal is what most backup software would consider an "incremental" backup, but that means that I have to keep hording tapes all week until I do a recycle again. That is not what I want.


I know how to do a full backup each weekend, but how do I get my M-Th tapes to backup everything since the last full regardless of whether or not is was on the previous nights normal backup.


I want to have my weekend backup on one tape and only have to carry that and one of the tapes from M-Th.

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I'm not Dantz support, but I would say differential backup is a different approach to what Retrospect does, which to my knowledge matches every subsequent backup of any file to all files in a backup set to avoid multiple backups between different or same clients. I would think you could simulate a unix alike backup strategy by modifying the backup set and set those tapes, except the "base backup" to missing. A bit ugly though and I would not know how to automate this right now.

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