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How should I set this up?

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I'd like to set up a backup like the following...


I have 3 disks on the system. In one script I'd like to backup C:\eudora and D:\my documents. There is also a C:\my documents that I DO NOT want to backup as part of the same script. How should I configure my sources and selectors to accomplish that?


This is 6.0.206 for windows. There's no money available to upgrade to 6.5.




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This one is pretty straight-forward since there's no overlap (e.g. you don't want to include or exclude a folder within a folder) and should work under Retro6.0.x. So you shouldn't have to use selectors here, just define SubVolumes (under Tools->Volumes->Subvolumes) for C:\my documents and D:\my documents. Then add *both* of these subvolumes (assuming you want them contained in the same backup file(s)) as the Source(s) of a backup script.


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