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Looking for Mr. RCU


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Where can I find the




file needed to download to Mac OSX clients? It's not included in my RMS6.5 installer package (including the latest one in the updates area). I believe it is in the Mac Client .60 .dmg file but I shouldn't have to find a Mac to unpack and extract this if I'm running all the server stuff under Windows.


The RCUs (Mac and PC) should be included in the updates area, not just (hit or miss) in some of the full installer packages.

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Amy, please go back and reread what I wrote. I know that "C:\Program Files\Dantz\Retrospect\Client Updaters\" is where Retrospect puts the RCUs *when it is installed* but new RCUs don't just mystically appear there. For example, my "...Client Updaters\Macintosh (OS X)" folder has the following files (based on the RP6.5 install):





but the new "Mac_X_Client_Update_6_0.rcu" isn't here.


So back to my question. Where and how do I download RCU files that *don't* exist at the time that Retro is installed on a machine?


And pointing me at "http://www.dantz.com/en/support/updates.dtml" isn't going to cut it because *just* RCUs don't seem to be contained here--these have the full client installs. But that doesn't do me any good since it doesn't allow me to take an RCU and download it from a *Windows* RetroMS to existing Mac clients. To get/extract the RCUs from these installers, I'd have to unnecessarily install the client on a Mac and see if the new MacXXX.rcu file ends up somewhere on the Mac so that I could copy it over to the Windows Retro server.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I never did get an answer to my question about where to get *new* RCUs that aren't included with the (then) most recent installer (i.e. not in local Updates folder). I did manage to get the latest Mac RCU after the new (.543) Retro installer came out, but Dantz needs to make RCUs available for people who *just* need the RCUs and for times before they release full installer packages with these new versions.

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