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Toggling catalog compression on/off -- is that a problem?

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When I do my full backups of my computers, there's a time lag of 4-10 minutes to scan the computer (which nothing can be done about) before backup starts.


But then there's a 4-5 minute time lag when backup seems completed to when the catalog file is compressed.


So -- my question:


Is there anything wrong with toggling catalog compression off, then on, then off, then on, etc. -- for the same storage sets?


Ideally, I'm trying to increase overall performance time by considering *not* compressing the catalog for part of my initial backup, then turn it on, then turning it off again for another part, etc.


Would that eventually corrupt the catalog? Or is this OK to do?

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Except I'm sticking with 5.1, so the question still remains.


And, technically, *would* remain with 6.0. My current *compressed* catalog files for my OSX client backups (100 clients, storage sets exist for 2 months) are 1G in size. I'd hate to think how large they would be if they were *uncompressed*.



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