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Sticky Client Names

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Does Retrospect Client Installer 5.1 only read the sharing name of an OS X computer upon initial install? I have a technically savvy user in a lab who is creating images of his lab Macs. He pre-installed Retrospect Client as part of the image. When he installs a new Mac he renames the Sharing information in Sys Prefs. However Retrospect Client seems to hold onto the old name so that I am seeing Administrator1, Administrator2, etc in the Network Client List. I do not see the renamed Sharing information. Is the only solution an uninstall and reinstall of the client?

Thanks for any suggestions,

Chik/Dana-Farber Cancer Institute


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Does Retrospect Client Installer 5.1 only read the sharing name of an OS X computer upon initial install?






I have a technically savvy user in a lab who is creating images of his lab Macs. He pre-installed Retrospect Client as part of the image. When he installs a new Mac he renames the Sharing information in Sys Prefs. However Retrospect Client seems to hold onto the old name so that I am seeing Administrator1, Administrator2, etc in the Network Client List.



As your savvy user has learned, pre-installing the Retrospect OS X Client leads to confustion on deployed clones.


In places where I've done this we kept the Client installer handy, and along with changing the machine name we ran the installer.



Is the only solution an uninstall and reinstall of the client?



No. The password and Client name are stored in the

/Library/Preferences/retroclient.state file.


You can refresh the client to look at the new Sharing name with the following steps:


1- Kill pitond (either by terminal or by control clicking the "Off" radio button in the Client application)

2- Make sure the Retrospect Client.app program is not running

3- Rename or delete the retroclient.state file

4- Launch the Retrospect Client application

5- Provide a password at the prompt; the Client will pick up the current name


I do not know if you can log the client in without doing step 5; otherwise all of this could be done remotely via ssh. Maybe your savvy user will enjoy the challange and test it out.



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