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Retrospect 5.1 app spontaneously disappears

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My first post, on something I've never come across with Retrospect.


I'm using Retrospect 5.1 on iMac 500, 512mB, 10.2.8, backing up a variety of clients (OS9.2, OSX Jag & Panther, Windows 98/XP/2000) to Exabyte VXA2 firewire; I've had very few problems up to this point but today...a Backup Server script had just completed and all seemed well. The Retro app was set to quit after the execution of this script, which it did. When I next went to the dock, the Retrospect cube icon had become a generic folder, Apple-I reported that this was a Package; running a Find on the HD found no Application, no preferences, nothing except for the Retro folder with my catalogues. I had a backup of retroconfig, so I've got my scripts back at least but...what the h**l happened?? I asked a visiting database freelancer (whose company I know has used Retrospect for around 5 years) if he'd ever come across anything like this, he hadn't.


Any pointers would be handy, reassurance that I'm not going slightly mad would also be good!




Matt K

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Any pointers would be handy



What did you do Command+I on? Did you do Command+Click on the generic Dock icon? That should reveal the original.


I'd run, not walk, to startup from the Panther bood CD and run Disk Utility on your drive. There may be other files scrambled that you just haven't stumbled across yet. Disk Warrior just came up with the 3.01 update; I'd be looking to use that, too.





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Thanks for your reply, Dave.


I tried all manner of ways to find the Retrospect application - Ctrl-clicking on various icons, running a find on the HD, even examined the package that the Retro app seemed to have turned into - no sign of annything to do with the application, even in the package resources itself. All my Run documents and other Retrospect icons became pixelated, I guess 'cos the app had disappeared. The system HD is a brand new 40gb Maxtor, with a fresh install of Retrospect 5.1


I think I'll file this one under 'mystery', unless anyone reports the same thing and can figure out the whys and wherefores!


Thanks again


Matt K

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I tried all manner of ways to find the Retrospect application - Ctrl-clicking on various icons, running a find on the HD, even examined the package that the Retro app seemed to have turned into - no sign of annything to do with the application, even in the package resources itself.



The path to the application within the bundle is:





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