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Backed up files not marked

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Just recently lost my main hard drive on a Dual Gig Mac running OS X 10.2.6. Thanks to Retrospect Desktop 5.1 I was able to recover everything from my FireWire HD Backup using "restore entire disk". When I re-booted the Mac in OS 9, I noticed some icons were missing so I rebuilt the desktop. Also, the time was off. Later when I decided to backup the drive (incrementally) Retrospect had only 7 gigs of a total of 27 gigs marked as backed up. I know those files are in there but somehow they aren't marked as backed up. My backup drive is 80 gigs so I don't want to add another 20 gigs of redundant stuff. Any ideas?




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Can you provide a more complete, step by step description of what you did?


For example, when you attempted your Normal backup, were you booted again in OS X?


How did you do your Restore? Did you do a Live Restore over a temp system folder, or did you boot the machine from some other OS X source (Retrospect CD, external drive, etc)?


Try and compare two files, on on the drive (that got there from your Restore) and one in the Backup Set (part of the Snapshot you used in the Restore). Use Retrospect's "Browse" function (for both the Volume and the Backup Set) and Get Info on each. Compare to learn what Retrospect sees as the difference between them.



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Thanks for responding.


"For example, when you attempted your Normal backup, were you booted again in OS X?"


Yes. I figure it's safer to do everything from the same OS. In this case OS X.


"How did you do your Restore? Did you do a Live Restore over a temp system folder, or did you boot the machine from some other OS X source (Retrospect CD, external drive, etc)?"


I had to re-initialize my start up disk. I then used Retrospect's Bootable CD to restore the entire disk.



"Try and compare two files, on on the drive (that got there from your Restore) and one in the Backup Set (part of the Snapshot you used in the Restore). Use Retrospect's "Browse" function (for both the Volume and the Backup Set) and Get Info on each. Compare to learn what Retrospect sees as the difference between them."


I did that. The files had a 6 hour difference in creation date and a 3 hour difference in modification date. This might have occured because I changed the time zone setting in the computer. (Default is Cupertino, CA . . .I live in Hawaii). That's probably why the files are wanting to be backed up again. Now that I have the time set correctly, I'm going to do a brand new back up. This brings up the question: If you adjust your computer clock (not time zone), will it affect your already backed up files?




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