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Consistent 205 errors

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I have not been able to solve this issue and I've run out of ideas, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Hardware: Apple G4 Mirror door running OS X 10.2.8, Retrospect 5.0/5.1+SCSI update

Atto UL3S SCSI card, latest drivers from Atto site

Lacie AIT 3 tape drive


Problem: Started getting either 102 or 205 errors, usually after the first two gigs of data. Liased with Lacie, Atto and Dantz. Advised by all to update Retrospect to 5.1, install SCSI update and update Atto drivers. No fix.


Installed Atto card and Lacie drive into another G4 (with same software installed), same errors. Changed SCSI card and cable, same errors. Based on this I thought that the drive must be faulty so sent back to Lacie. Drive returned, plugged into second G4, ran same script 10 times. NO Errors!


Moved drive back to original G4, error 205 again.


Any ideas??



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