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Xserve /Panther Server with Retrospect Workgroup Edition

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Retrospect Workgroup will run on OS X Server, and you can configure an Internet Backup Set to send data via FTP to another location. Your home machine will have to be running FTP server software, and there's a hack/mod that you can do to Retrospect that will increase the size of the individual data files that the program writes to the remote location (otherwise you'll end up with tens of thousands of files to store your data).


But you should read Dantz' compatibility statements regarding 5.1 and Panther. There are issues that might impact the reliability of such a backup scheme.


I would also expect that you have an enormously wide data pipe if you expect backup any significant amounts of data this way.



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Thanks for the quick reply. I have a 3Mbps cable modem connection at home. The colo is on an internal 100Mbps Ethernet drop to a burstable 45Mbps connection. The single Xserve is Running Panther Server as a web hosting machine. I would be doing an initial Full Backup, then a weekly Incremental Backup (during off-peak times in the early AM). I am not using Fast User Switching, Case-Sensitive HFS+, FileVault, or SCSI. I know these incompatibilites will be fixed in a later rev by Dantz. I only need Retrospect for a single client and Internet backup capability.


So, after all that, can you confirm that Workgroup will indeed suffice, instead of the full Server version.


Thanks again,



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Workgroup Edition=Runs locally on any version of Mac OS X. Can connect to Retrospect Clients running OS X desktop, but _not_ to OS X Server.


Server Edition=Runs locally on any version of Mac OS X. Can connect to clients no matter what version of Mac OS X they are running.


Workgroup will work for you.



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