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Disaster Recovery ISO file too large


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I am triyng to make a disaster recovery CD on Windows XP using Retrospect Express 6.5. My ISO file keepse ending up being too large. I have read articles 27020 and 27035 in the knowledgebase which address this issue. Those articles only reference Windows 95/98/ME. My pagefile.sys file is on my "F" drive (i.e. not on my C drive). I have switched off the hibernation option in the control panel, so there is no such file there. The total files in my C root directory is 1.69 megabytes. The total file size of the Windows directory is 55.8 megabytes so I don't think those are the issue either. However, my ISO file keeps being over 760 MB's in size and therefore unusable.


Does any one have any ideas on what I could do to create a functional and properly sized ISO file for a bootup disk?




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When prompted for the I386 folder, during the Disaster Recovery image creation, make sure you're using the folder on your Windows CD, and not the one on your hard drive. The I386 folder on your hard drive may be too populated to fit on the CD.


You may want to re-check the size of your Windows directory - for Windows XP, it's usually closer to 1 gig in size. Mine, for example, is 2 gig. 55 meg does not sound like an accurate folder size.

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AmyJ wrote:

> When prompted for the I386 folder, during the Disaster Recovery image creation,

> make sure you're using the folder on your Windows CD,"


Done. The i386 folder on the Windows CD ROM installation disc is exactly the one I am using.


> You may want to re-check the size of your Windows directory - for Windows XP,

> it's usually closer to 1 gig in size.

> Mine, for example, is 2 gig.

> 55 meg does not sound like an accurate folder size.


Well ... how else can I check it but by using Windows explorer and reading the status line? When I enter that folder, the status line tells me that I have 627 objects, that my Disk Free Space is 31.7 Gigabytes, and that the sum of all the files present is 55.8 megabytes. How can I get a more accurate folder size of that specified directory?


Thanks for your help.



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