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Trying to backup webiste via FTP - Please post any ideas... Thank you.


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I am trying to set up Retrospect to backup my websites when it runs scheduled backups. My websites are on other servers that I can only access via FTP. I have the newest Retrospect 6.5 Pro.


Here is what I tried:

I have tried installing programs that "mount" FTP sites as network drives. It works when I open my computer because there they are - mounted network drives. However Retrospect dosn't recognize them.


I would also like to be able to backup the MySQL Databases on these servers. I think the best way to do that though is to schedule the server to create a file backup of the Database automatically before the Retrospect backup occurs - thus it would be downloaded as a file and saved in the backup.


If you have any ideas whatsoever post them so I can give it a try.


Thank you,

Ryan K.


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I would like to have this functionality as well. I have the exact same issues with a couple of sites that I host. I wonder if you can schedule a retrospect backup but have it run a command before execution. For example, do an "xcopy /e *.* <somepath>" to first copy these files from the virtual FTP drive to your local disk. Just a guess.. I'll try some things this weekend and report back if anything works. It would be nice though to have an FTP client for retrospect, wouldn't it?

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I did find a way to do what I wanted, however, not in the way I wanted. I set up a schedule with WS_FTP Pro to automatically connect and download each site a couple of hours before the scheduled retrospect backup. This will work but is has its drawbacks.


<I started rambeling here>


If it was somehow directly integrated with retrospect - ie. the mounted network resources mentioned earlier - Retrospect would provide error funcationality. The way I have it set up now - it will backup the folder on my hard drive that should contain the downloaded site. If there was an error with the FTP transfer to my site Retrospect would never know - nor would it know if the download was still in progress.


<End rambeling>


So anyway, I would really like to have it directly accessable through retrospect so it can be part of my selector. Any ideas would be most appreciated.

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Figured it out... Here is what I did...


Installed a program called WebDrive (webdrive.com) and established drives for all of my sites. (They appear as mapped network drives so retrospect dosn't see them). I then Configured Volumes in retrospect and added network places for each of the sites. To add the sites I clicked My Network then Advanced and typed in the Custom UNC - See WebDrive Custom UNC configuration under advanced tab... (UNC: \\site\resource\ )


It is terriably slow (.1 MB/sec), but that is ok for me. I will have it automated in the morning so it dosn't matter to me now long it takes.

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This was also discussed in another couple of threads:




I had to deinstall INP on my XP SP1 PC because it kept causing it to blue screen (*very* binary==> install == BS, uninstall == no BS). This would always happen in the same .sys module, often after days of use (even when I wasn't actually doing anything with the FTP_folders). All the company would say is that nobody else had reported any problems. If you look at the WebDrive and INP websites, you'll notice they're similar, and I believe that they all come from the same developer, with a few features enabled/disabled for the different versions.


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Well, after a couple of weeks of using this "WebDrive" it isn't working out. WebDrive slows down my computer WAY too much - just by turning on my computer and logging on to windows it adds like 5 minutes to the process (on a very good computer too).


So, if anyone has any other ideas - I am listening.


Thank you

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I am not trying to backup to FTP sites. I am trying to create backups of FTP sites. I want to be able to have retrospect to connect to a FTP server and generate a backup of its contents just as I can do windows drives.


So far the only way I can figure to do so is to use the afforementioned third party webdrive software. However, their program really slows down my computer. So, I am desperatily looking for an alternative.




Does anyone know of Hosting companies that let you VPN in and view your root as a network resource? This could accomplish what I am looking for and be native to Windows.

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