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X Serve X Raid Problems

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I have X Serve dual 1.33 Hz 2Giga of Ram and Xraid being backed up by a HP Storage Works 1/8 autoloader with ultruim 200G tapes connected by Atto's Express PCI Pro with driver 2.10. We are using Retrospect Server version 5.1.175.


The first problem that Iam having is intermittent problem with the performance of the back up from the Xraid with no obovis reasons. For example one partion of 512 G will back up 350 MB per minute and Compare 380mb per minute. But the same partion the following on the recycle back could run at 60 MB per minute and then compare at 60 MB per a min. Only verification errors I get are just that the date stamp has changed because the system file has change before the verification process has completed. I just wondered if anybody had the same problem or could show any light on the matter??


The Second problem since I have upgrade to retrospect 5.1.175 Iam getting tmp file's written to /var/tmp each file is 2.58 G total two a day which 5 G's which nearly crashed my system at one stage as it builted up to 164 G. Anyway the file has and extension of 1000001.fa, which turns out to be a type retrospect, file. I can prove though my logs that it is retrospect 5.1.175 which causing the problem as this the boot drive size didn’t increase until I upgrade. Could anybody shine any light on this?


Thanks in advance.








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Hi Dave,




I have spoken to the support team and the file turns out to be memory dump where a enought program running in the background while rectropect is running. While Iam only backing up 250G in one hit with two Giga of Ram I cannot see this being corrected. But I will disable the network interfaces and turn of anyother application which could cause a problem. But I will not find out an answer until tommorrow. But Dantz are bring a new update out in the withen 4 months, they would not give me exact date, which will support fibe channel to X raid. Anyway I will have look tomorrow post my results.




Also on the file extension, rectrospect support has confirmed m its not there file system So I was wrong about the Extension. (hehe)









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