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how slow is slow (G5 superdrive Pioneer DVR-106)

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the storage device compatibility for Pioneer DVR-106 Apple version tells:


"This drive has slow write performance with retrospect because it does not support continuous packet write commands with some media types."



my questions:

- how slow is slow? (how many MB per minute?)

- is it slow with all media types or only with the media types, that does not support continuous packet write commands?

- how do I know if the media does support continuous packet write commands or not?

- does Retrospect support DVD-R and DVD-RW with this drive?

- when will CD-RW support come for this drive?


Thanks for answers



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Using Retrospect 5.1 with a Dual 2 GHZ G5 running Panther, I initially made backups to DVD-R media. As I recall, the speed was about 70 to 80 MB per minute.


I later used DVD+R media and the backup speed was over 200 MB per minute, sometimes approaching 300 MB and this was using compression in software.


The problem now is that Retrospect will no longer let me backup to the DVD-R media. It says that it is unrecognizable. I would suggest that you use DVD+R media and stay with it.


I am currently running Mac OS 10.3.2

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