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Boot CD 5.1 fails to access all volumes and can't restore over network at all

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I booted my OS X Panther machine from the Dantz-supplied boot CD and it is very buggy. When it displays a list of volumes to search for catalog files, the list only shows two volumes (out of the six I have), with a third volume name corrupted with garbage and greyed out. When I try to open some catalogs, the CD-resident Retrospect simply does nothing, returning back to the previous screen. I have two of the CDs, and have tried them both, and both have exactly the same failures.


And worst of all, I have YET to be able to actually restore anything using either of these CDs. The restore always fails with "remote FTP server is not responding." However, the remote FTP server, which is sitting right next to my Mac (a SNAP160) is working just fine. Apparently Retrospect has improperly set the TCP/IP settings and is not communicating on my network properly.


I have not had any response to emails or phone calls, and am hoping that I can get somebody at Dantz to respond to a public forum plea for help.



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Apparently Retrospect has improperly set the TCP/IP settings and is not communicating on my network properly.



The DDK (Disk Development Kit) that Apple licenses to software publishers such as Dantz and Alsoft does not support networking. This is not Dantz' fault, it's the only distribution of OS X that they are legally allowed to sell.


The version of Retrospect that is run from the CD is the exact same version that is provided by their installer; there are no changes to menus or preferences or options. So features that are unsupported by the running operating system (such as FTP or Retrospect Client access) simply don't work, but there are no special dialogs or messages to inform users of these limitations.



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