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Using Retrospect to sync data between two network volumes.

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I'm attempting to run an incremental Duplicate in Retrospect Server 5.0.238:

- Source: Mac OS X 10.2.6 box connected via Retrospect Client.

- Destination: Appleshare volume on a Windows 2000 Server, auto-logged in to our Retrospect box via Appletalk.


The problem:


The initial Duplicate went on without a hitch. However, when I run Duplicate for a second time to copy any new files on the source to the target, it is telling me that it has to copy the entire data set again (approx 130GB), thus making the whole process moot.


(I know that Retrospect's Duplicate function is not meant for a 2-way sync, but I simply want to sync it 1-way for a week or so while we test the integrity of the target volume on the network).


I used to have this same problem happen when doing a Backup of an OS X Server machine, but I fixed that by buying Retrospect Server (previously used Workgroup) and putting Retrospect Client on the OS X server. So does that mean I need to install Retrospect Client on the Windows 2000 Server (which I would rather not do in case of conflicts with Tiveli and raises the eyebrows of Corporate IT).


Thanks for any advice.



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Destination: Appleshare volume on a Windows 2000 Server, auto-logged in to our Retrospect box via Appletalk.



Can you describe what you mean exactly by "auto-logged in"?


When Retrospect is running on OS X, special care must be taken when attempting to access AFP mounted volumes (you can find many threads from the Forum by entering "AFP volume" in the excellent search engine here).


Be sure the Destination volume is mounted the same way across backup attempts; Retrospect may be selecting all the files for backup because the permissions are different from one attempt to the other.


Come to think of it, it may not be possible to maintain correct permissions with what you're trying to do. While the Client software will handle permissions correctly every time, accessing a volume via AFP leaves you at the mercy of Apple's implementation of file sharing, which may not be as precise (for example, I don't think it's possible to set the ownership of a file that lives on a server to root, but I can't test that right now so it's just a thought) .



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Can you describe what you mean exactly by "auto-logged in"?



I mean I set the user name and password within Retrospect so it auto-mounts the volume when doing the Duplicate. Otherwise it doesn't work for me. Does that make sense?



Be sure the Destination volume is mounted the same way across backup attempts; Retrospect may be selecting all the files for backup because the permissions are different from one attempt to the other.



So if I do indeed install the Retrospect Client for Windows on the target, it should work itself out?



Come to think of it, it may not be possible to maintain correct permissions with what you're trying to do. While the Client software will handle permissions correctly every time, accessing a volume via AFP leaves you at the mercy of Apple's implementation of file sharing, which may not be as precise (for example, I don't think it's possible to set the ownership of a file that lives on a server to root, but I can't test that right now so it's just a thought) .



And compounded by the fact that this is Microsoft's implementation of Apple's implementation of file sharing, I'm quakin' in my boots.


I'll bite the bullet and get IT to install Client for me. I'll report back how it goes. Thanks much for your help.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Okey Dokey. Now I've got Retrospect Client 6.0 installed on the Win2K Server. The first Dupicate goes without a hitch, using the Client software to do the transfer. However, when I do a subsequent Duplicate, it is STILL replacing each corresponding file instead of just updating the new/changed files.


Am I going to have to just live with this? Am I to understand that Retrospect has no way of doing an incremental Duplicate from one computer to another? I have ~500GB to bring over, and was hoping to use Retrospect to do daily incremental Duplicates for a week or two while we test out the new server. I just can't sit here and wait for it to re-copy each file even though there are no differences.



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Am I to understand that Retrospect has no way of doing an incremental Duplicate from one computer to another?



Retrospect can indeed Duplicate only changed files.


>> I just can't sit here and wait for it to re-copy each file even though there are no differences.


Just to be clear, run through your exact configuration again:


- Server: Retrospect 5.0.238 running on some flavor of Mac OS X

- Duplicate Source: Another Macintosh running Mac OS X 10.2.6 & Retrospect OS X Client (version?)

- Duplicate Destination: Win2K running Windows Client (version?)


Setup a quick test by defining a reasonably small subvolume on the Source, and another empty subvolume on the Destination


1: Immediate Duplicate/Replace Entire Drive using your test volumes as Source and Destination


2: Before clicking the Duplicate button, click on "Files Chosen"


3: The Files Chosen area will expand to provide information on how many files on the Source and on the Destination, and how many files need to be copied. Make a note of this information.


4: Retrospect will open a second window containing a list of all the files in your Source. All of these should be checked, since all of the files are going to be copied this first time.


Run the Duplicate.


Repeat steps 1 - 4. This time the Files Chosen information should say 0 Files to Copy, and the browser window should have a diamond along with a check for each file.


If this is not what you see, compare two files to see how Retrospect thinks that they are different:


- Select one file from the Duplicate Files Chosen browser window (one with a check but no diamond)

- Command+I for Get Info

- Go to Retrospect's Configure->Volumes window and select the volume you used as a Destination.

- Click Browse

- Select the same file as before, and again Get Info

- But the windows side by side and compare the information.


What do you see?

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Thanks a lot for your help. It's good to know that it will work eventually.




Just to be clear, run through your exact configuration again:




Server: Retrospect Server 5.0.238, Driver Update 3.1.105, Mac OS X 10.2.6 (client OS).

Duplicate Source: Retrospect Client 5.0.540, Mac OS X 10.2.6 (client OS).

Duplicate Destination: Retrospect Client 6.0, Win2K Server SP3.





1: Immediate Duplicate/Replace Entire Drive using your test volumes as Source and Destination




I set up a small set (using Retrospect Clients rather than desktop volumes), chose Duplicate from the Immediate tab, and chose "Replace Entire Disk" as the option for the Desination.





2: Before clicking the Duplicate button, click on "Files Chosen"


3: The Files Chosen area will expand to provide information on how many files on the Source and on the Destination, and how many files need to be copied. Make a note of this information.


4: Retrospect will open a second window containing a list of all the files in your Source. All of these should be checked, since all of the files are going to be copied this first time.




Here's what it says:


Chosen 24 files (29.9M) 100%


Removing/replacing 27 files (29.9M)

Space left free 811.4 G


Already copied 0 files (zero K), 0%

Need to Copy 24 files (29.9M), 100%


In the Source window, all files are checked.





Run the Duplicate.




It copies all files, but I get 24 Execution Errors. Here's the log:


- 1/2/2004 10:00:30 AM: Copying JoeyBandaids on Design…

1/2/2004 10:00:57 AM: Comparing ND_IMAGES on F0805P5…

File “.DS_Store”: different type (src: ????, dest: TEXT), path: “JoeyBandaids/.DS_Store”.

File “batches.rtf”: different type (src: RTF , dest: TEXT), path: “JoeyBandaids/batches.rtf”.

File “eMac User's Guide.pdf”: different type (src: ????, dest: TEXT), path: “JoeyBandaids/eMac User's Guide.pdf”.

File “FileMaker Pro001.jpg”: different type (src: JPEG, dest: TEXT), path: “JoeyBandaids/FileMaker Pro001.jpg”.

File “FileMaker Pro002.jpg”: different type (src: JPEG, dest: TEXT), path: “JoeyBandaids/FileMaker Pro002.jpg”.

File “FileMaker Pro003.jpg”: different type (src: JPEG, dest: TEXT), path: “JoeyBandaids/FileMaker Pro003.jpg”.

File “FileMaker001.jpg”: different type (src: JPEG, dest: TEXT), path: “JoeyBandaids/FileMaker001.jpg”.

File “FileMaker004.jpg”: different type (src: JPEG, dest: TEXT), path: “JoeyBandaids/FileMaker004.jpg”.

File “fstab”: different creator (src: ttxt, dest: dosa), path: “JoeyBandaids/fstab”.

File “Icon?”: different type (src: icon, dest: TEXT), path: “JoeyBandaids/Icon?”.

File “Instructions for iCopy”: different creator (src: ttxt, dest: dosa), path: “JoeyBandaids/Instructions for iCopy”.

File “Iomega Driver”: different type (src: INIT, dest: TEXT), path: “JoeyBandaids/Iomega Driver”.

File “Picture 1.pdf”: different type (src: PDF , dest: TEXT), path: “JoeyBandaids/Picture 1.pdf”.

File “Remote Desktop Startup”: different type (src: INIT, dest: TEXT), path: “JoeyBandaids/Remote Desktop Startup”.

File “SFE-6.1.0r5(EpsonIT8)”: different type (src: APPL, dest: TEXT), path: “JoeyBandaids/SFE-6.1.0r5(EpsonIT8)”.

File “ShoeArr”: different type (src: LWFN, dest: TEXT), path: “JoeyBandaids/ShoeArr”.

File “ShoeArrow.bmap”: different type (src: FFIL, dest: TEXT), path: “JoeyBandaids/ShoeArrow.bmap”.

File “TCO 95-99.pdf”: different type (src: ????, dest: TEXT), path: “JoeyBandaids/TCO 95-99.pdf”.

File “VicomsoftFTPDemo.dmg”: different type (src: devi, dest: TEXT), path: “JoeyBandaids/VicomsoftFTPDemo.dmg”.

File “Welcome to Panther.pdf”: different creator (src: LMAN, dest: dosa), path: “JoeyBandaids/Welcome to Panther.pdf”.

File “.DS_Store”: different type (src: ????, dest: TEXT), path: “JoeyBandaids/epson/.DS_Store”.

File “epson10866.sea”: different type (src: APPL, dest: TEXT), path: “JoeyBandaids/epson/epson10866.sea”.

File “.DS_Store”: different type (src: ????, dest: TEXT), path: “JoeyBandaids/Remote Desktop Folder/.DS_Store”.

File “Remote Desktop Security”: different type (src: APPL, dest: TEXT), path: “JoeyBandaids/Remote Desktop Folder/Remote Desktop Security”.

1/2/2004 10:01:14 AM: 24 execution errors.

Completed: 24 files, 29.9 MB

Performance: 83.1 MB/minute (68.7 copy, 105.2 compare)

Duration: 00:00:44 (00:00:01 idle/loading/preparing)

While scanning volume F0805P5-D,

Warning: This client is running Services for Macintosh.


Mount Macintosh-accessible volumes on the Desktop for proper operation.






Repeat steps 1 - 4. This time the Files Chosen information should say 0 Files to Copy, and the browser window should have a diamond along with a check for each file.


If this is not what you see, compare two files to see how Retrospect thinks that they are different:


- Select one file from the Duplicate Files Chosen browser window (one with a check but no diamond)

- Command+I for Get Info

- Go to Retrospect's Configure->Volumes window and select the volume you used as a Destination.

- Click Browse

- Select the same file as before, and again Get Info

- But the windows side by side and compare the information.


What do you see?



In the Source window, the folders have a diamond, and all files have a check.


The Files Chosen window is the same as the first time:


Chosen 24 files (29.9M) 100%


Removing/replacing 25 files (29.9M)

Space left free 811.4 G


Already copied 0 files (zero K), 0%

Need to Copy 24 files (29.9M), 100%


When I do a get info on a file, this is what I see.












Incidentally, it seems to be changing all files to type TEXT. Even the Epson print driver installer file. On the destination volume, it shows up as a text file and opens that way when double clicked. So there's another layer of difficulty happening here.


Thanks again for your help.


Happy New Year,



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