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I've uninstalled Retrospect and still on every restart I get the following:


! Norton Utilities has detected a new version of Mac OSX. You may need to update your installed Norton Utilities or Norton SystemWorks components.


I don't want to do any of suggested options. I just want the alert message on restarts to go away. It's very annoying.


Please help!


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The message is not from Retrospect, and does not mention Retrospect, is there some reason you are posting this message in a Retrospect forum?


The message pretty clearly is from Norton Utilities. Since Norton Utilities includes low level utilities that can be seriously affected by changes to the operating system, it appears to include some checks to allow it to warn you that it is getting out of date with respect to the operating system.


Your choices include downgrade the operating system, update Norton Utilities, uninstall Norton Utilities, reposting this query somewhere more appropriate, hoping someone here knows more, etc

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