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clients on the server

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We have 4 iMacs with Retrospect's latest client software....


I have a server scheduled to automatically back up at 10:00 every night. And then, it should shut the client computers down after backup and verification are complete.


On our old computers, at the end of the day, we would choose shutdown and a message would come up saying "waiting for Retrospect." We don't have that now, how do I get it back. We either have to leave the computers on, or if we shut down, they don't get backed up... how do I set the client computers to wait for retrospect at shutdown???

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The 'wait at shutdown' option is not available in OS X. If a Client Macintosh is sleeping when a Macintosh running Retrospect attempts to connexct to it, the connection will fail; the Client software is suspended when a Macintosh is sleeping. Most every process is suspended during sleep.


To be kept up to date on improvements in Retrospect for Mac OS X power management features such as, "wake on lan", waking from sleep, automatic shutdown of clients, energy saver support, etc. sign up for the following newsletter:





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