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Saving EOM catalog

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I usually do full backups during the week and save the last Friday of the month's backup tape. I do recycled backups so every Friday has a new overwritten catalog.


I needed to get a file off of an EOM backup from a couple of months ago and had to recatalog the 60 gig tape. It took about 4-5 hours. Ouch.


My question is, can I take the last catalog file and put them on a CD to store with the tape? I was hoping that I could take the last catalog "Friday.rbc" and burn it to a CD to store with the tape so when I want to restore something I don't have to wait 5 hours for the tape to recatalog.


Also, does the .rbc file have to be any where specific and does it have any other dependency files to go along with it.

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Yes, you can save old catalog files on a CD, or you can move the to another location for safekeeping -- such as a network server.


If you are rotating multiple sets of tapes the better solution would be to create a backup set for each set of tapes and add them to your script.


The following tutorial is for a daily rotation - rather then weekly, but it will give you an idea of how this can be set up for multiple sets rotated weekly:




If you rotate 4 sets of tapes weekly, you will need 4 backup sets in your script with 8 schedules. For example:


Every Monday, starting 12/1/03 Recycle Backup to Backup Set 1 every 4 weeks

Every TWTHF, stating 12/2/03 Normal Backup to Backup Set 1 every 4 weeks

Every Monday, starting 12/8/03 Recycle Backup to Backup Set 2 every 4 weeks

Every TWTHF, stating 12/9/03 Normal Backup to Backup Set 2 every 4 weeks

And so on...

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