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Hi Gurus,


I'm backing up using MAC OSX Server Retrospect 5.X to backup all workstations including windows platform (XP).


2 Problems:


Problem 1) After backing up, the log reported with error -37 : Eg:


Can't read file “Unit outline 2000?.doc”, error -37 (invalid name), path: “C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\My Documents\DistanceEducation\Unit outline 2000?.doc”.

Can't read file “RACGP?AMA?GP?DIVNL ADS”, error -37 (invalid name), path: “C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\My Documents\DistanceEducation\?ADVERTS\1997 ADS\RACGP?AMA?GP?DIVNL ADS”.

Can't read file “GradDip(genprac)?97”, error -37 (invalid name), path: “C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\My Documents\DistanceEducation\?BROCHURES\GP stream\GradDip(genprac)?97”.

Can't read file “?Brochure97.doc”, error -37 (invalid name), path: “C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\My Documents\DistanceEducation\?BROCHURES\MMedSc\?Brochure97.doc”.

Can't read file “Applicant ltr?99”, error -37 (invalid name), path: “C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\My Documents\DistanceEducation\?COURSE ADMIN\Application forms\Applicant ltr?99”.


What is wrong? Can't I backup a volume of windows XP machine with C:\Documents and settings\ path?

These files werent opened. What file permission should I check?


Problem 2) Restoring


Some other WinXP PCs can be backed up correctly without (Problem 1), I then test restoring it into another destination folder. Upon inspection, I found out all the restored files has a padlock "icon". I cannot open it. Is it NTFS again? How do I get around this problem?




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