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Backup speed at a crawl - Please help!!

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My backup speeds are .6MB/min!!! This is just not right!


My setup:

eMac w/ 1GHz G4, 1GB RAM

Mac OS 1.2.6

Retrospect 5.1.175 with Mac OS 9 & Panther, Linux and Windows 2K clients

Ecrix VXA-1 FireWire Drive (works fine when connected to non-networked iMac running OS 9)

Backup Type Normal.


Have tried & no improvement:

1. Repaired Permissions

2. Verified that the Startup Hard Drive is OK

3. Created brand new Storage Sets

3. Rebooted


Any suggestions here? I am not Unix literate, so if making suggestions like, "Trash your preferences file and start again.", please include specifics such as path and steps.




You can email me directly if you wish at don@shuwarger.net


Don Shuwarger, MD

A Rural American OB-GYN

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works fine when connected to non-networked iMac running OS 9



- Are you saying that on the iMac, the same version of Retrospect will perform backups of the Local hard drive at acceptable speeds?


- What sort of speeds does the eMac achieve when doing a Local backup?


- What sort of speeds does the eMac achieve when doing a File Backup, both of its Local hard drive and of Network Clients?


Larry Zulch, CEO of Dantz, responded to your question when you posted it on the RetroTALK mailing list. He asked you to try similar tests, and even gave a personal request that you report back to the members of that list.


This is basic Mac (or any computer) troubleshooting. Isolate the variables (in this case, Network Clients and the tape drive itself) then add them back one at a time and see what you learn.



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Yes, if I move the VXA-1 to an iMac, then the backups proceed at normal acceptable speed.

If I backup the eMac to a file on a FireWire attached hard drive, the speed averages 150MB/min. Good.

If I backup just the eMac to the VXA-1, the speed is still the slow .6MB/min.

Didn't get Larry's reply (have list set to digests, or may have been unintentionally spam-filtered).



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I have a 400mHz G4 tower and back up to a QPS FireWire CD. When I installed 10.3, I created a new backup set. Write speed was not bad, about 80 Mb/minute. But when I do incremental backups to the set, the speed is 8 Mb/min. Why is this? Verification speed is around 200 so the computer talks to the drive fine.


This did not happen in OS 9.

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