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Retrospect 6.5 and NEC DVD+RW ND-1100A


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I am trying to back up a comptuer to DVD+RW disks. I was using Retrospect v6.0 that did not supposedly support a NEC DVD+RW ND-1100A. Supposedly, Retrospect v6.5 will work with the drive. So, I shelled out $50 to upgrade to version 6.5 even though I did not ANY of the other new features of 6.5. But, now even with version 6.5, Retrospect is not recognizing the NEC DVD drive (nor the HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8483B drive that I have). I have even tried a "manual" configuration, but Retrospect crashes when I do this. Any suggestions? Makes me wonder what the hell my $50 really bought me.

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The ND-1100A has a few minimum requirements for support. Unless all are met, the drive may not work properly with Retrospect.




Minimum Version Required 6.5

Minimum Driver Update 4.4.110

Minimum Firmware Version 1.75


The firmware version can be obtained in Retrospect through Configure > Devices > Environment. The entry in the "Version" column will be your current version. Updates can be obtained through the hardware vendor.


Look in the Operations Log in Retrospect to determine which version of the Driver Update you have loaded. Reports > Operations Log


Driver updates can be obtained at:



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I am aware of the minimum requirements. Thus, the reason for shelling out $50 for version 6.5. I also downloaded and install the latest and greatest driver updates from the Dantz website, so that is not the problem either.


I did _NOT_ know how to check for the firmware version of hand (and had not sat down to see if I could find it), so thanks for the pointer on how to do that. I will check that.

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An update:


I talked with Tech support. We reached the point where the next step was to remove the other burning software (i.e. the software that would allow me to use the DVD burner with just regular old DVD+R and DVD+RW disks for regular data). This was unacceptable (kind of kills the usefulness of the drive if I only had the ability to use it for Retrospect backups). So, took advantage of the 30 day money back guarantee. The whole experience was extremely disappointing, especially considering that I have been using Retrospect since version 1.0 of the Mac version and have constantly recommended it as my backup program of choice. I doubt I will be continuing that recommendation in the future.

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I have an NEC 1100-A with retrospect 6.5 ver. 6.5336,driver 4.5.101, and

version 1.56 driver (10GE according to Dell). This is the most recent driver

my computer maker, Dell provides. Furthermore, NEC does not provide

drivers, and when I e-mailed them they told me I should contact Dell.

Do you know where I can get a version 1.75 driver that I can trust??


When I turn off all my Symantec software in msconfig, services

and startup, the first backup screams (200 MB/min) but the next

goes down to 34 MB/min and then when I go to put the first disk in for

verification, it won't let me. I have to shutdown retrospect and then

reboot the computer. Then, the first disk of verification goes quickly

but the second goes slowly.


I'm using DVD+RWs.




I reboot my system before each backup: Beforehand, I use

msconfig to uncheck services like creative services for CDrom, IMAP CD burning COM software

and startup items: tfswctrl? dsentry, cthelper?


I have easyCD creator 5.35, MSDVDplay, recordnow but I uncheck all

service and startup items related to them before I backup, and they

are not on the windows task manager processes menu.


The only suspicious computer management-->event viewer-->system

errors I get that look suspicious are DCOM errors for

symantec core LC (could be a red herring).


What else can I do? Thanks!



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Thanks for your quick reply! Dell claims it is a firmware update, and here

is the quote:


NEC ND-1100A 4X DVD+R/2.4X DVD_RW V. 10GE, A04


File Date: 4/25/2003


This is a firmware update for the NEC ND-1100A 4X DVD+RW drive. This update application will update the firmware on the drive to version '10GE'.


This is the only NEC ND-1100A download on their site, and this is what a

dell technician referred me to when I called them.


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