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no spanning of tapes

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We've been trying to get the following configuration to move to the next tape with no luck:


Mac OS 10.2

Sony TSL-S9000L 8 tape DDS-3 Autoloader



Sony only drive on scsi bus.


The problem is that when we either run an unattended script or run a manual job and select: Run Unattended from the Control menu, the software still prompts for the successive tapes.


Here's what we've done so far:


1. Tape drive only device (other than card) on SCSI bus

2. Tape drive set to device 1, 2, and 5 with no luck

3. Drive is seen and can be rescanned successfully

4. Applied 5.00.2038 patch

5. Set Unattended several times when running immediate to avoid any bugs in interface

6. Set Skip to blank media in preferences

7. Recreated preferences file

8. Erased all tapes, recreated backup set, restarted from new backup

9. Uninstalled and reinstalled

10. Replaced terminator

11. Lit a fire, chanted in a foreign tongue, tried a hammer, etc.


Have yet to try a new SCSI card.


Backs up and restores just fine, but doesn't span tapes.


Any ideas on this exhilirating problem?



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Well I'm going to keep trying in the hopes that someone can help with this problem.


The Administrator in the group that owns the hardware now told me that when the backup job requests another tape, it cycles through all the tapes in the loader, gets to tape 8, then spits out the cartridge.


This got me wondering whether the tapes themselves need to not only be erased, but labeled the name of the backup set. Would this be correct? Is anyone out there? Does this software really work with Autoloaders?......



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Here is a snippet of the log:


- 12/3/2003 4:04:10 PM: Copying $[*!s314,,14,+3]Artists Server on $[35]Artists Server$[36]É

12/3/2003 4:04:10 PM: Connected to $[*!s13805,,14,+3]Artists Server

$[40] Media Request timeout after waiting 00:20:00

$[40] Device trouble: Ò3-JI BU 12/2/03Ó, error -24004 (time limit exceeded).

12/3/2003 7:32:20 PM: Execution incomplete.

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3. Drive is seen and can be rescanned successfully



- Does Retrospect see the device as a loader, and not just as a drive?


- In Configure->Devices, is there a pop-up menu on the right that shows all the loader's slots?


- What information do you see for the drive in Configure->Devices->Device Status?




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In the popup, all the loader slots are there.


When we do an "Erase All," all the slots then have ??? in their positions. If we load them manually by selecting them from the menu, the item changes to blank. That's why I was wondering if we needed to label the tapes or not.


If we Rescan the media, all the slots are loaded one by one, but they remain as ??? in the loader popup menu list.


Device Status indicates that it's a Sony SCSI drive (I'm not in front of it, so I'm trying to recall the exact text. I can get the exact Text tomorrow when I return to work).


Thanks for your continuing assistance with this problem.





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BTW: When we ran the System Profiler, it saw the drive as two devices (drive and autoloader).


The Administrator was using an old Sony single tape drive when the autoloader was out for repairs.


Maybe there is a software holdover from the old single tape drive?


Should we just uninstall everything, including drivers, and reinstall from scratch?

Seems like an awful pain for something that should be simple.





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I am running OS X Panther and backing up both OS X and OS 9 machines. I am using a SCSI LoaderXpress 10 tape device. I have 3 seperate backups running at different times and have each backup backing up to seperate tapes. I have no problems at all with it switching tapes for each backup unattended.


I am more than willing to let you know what my setup is with any questions. I am new to this and have been pretty lucky making it work.

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BTW: When we ran the System Profiler, it saw the drive as two devices (drive and autoloader).



I'm pretty sure the TSL-9000 is an integrated loader, which means it should not have a separate inquiry string for the loader and for the drive (separate ID's).


What SCSI card are you using? Make/model?


If the ASP is displaying available devices incorrectly, I would start with troubleshooting the SCSI card. At the very least, try re-seating it or moving to another PCI slot.



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