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Files not backed up

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Retro Server: Retro 5.0238, Overland LibraryPro, AIT3

Mac Server: X 10.2.6, G4 Dual 450, 512MB, 1Gbit ENet



Helios server on Xserve shares data to network users. Use OPI so backup the shares from G4 over Gbit network.

The users have reported no problems accessing the files from the shares and all dirs and files appear correctly.



Retro does not backup all the files.

It sees the files when I browse the Volume, but not when it backs up the data.


I do not wish to use the Retro Client on Xserve because:

1) It with then backup the drives/RAID and that is not what I wish to achieve (shared volumes only)

2) I dont want to compromise it's reliability


So, can anyone please help?



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It sees the files when I browse the Volume, but not when it backs up the data.



This has been one of the most discussed issues here on the Forum since Retrospect first shipped for Mac OS X.


Searches for strings such as "mounted AFP" should reveal relevent threds.


When you mount a volume in the Finder (no matter what protocol) you are doing so as the current logged in Aqua user.


When Retrospect accesses the /Volumes/ directory, it's doing so as root.


Apple didn't give root access to volumes mounted as a different user; therefore, Retrospect can't see files on the volume.


Dantz provided instructions to get around this in the ReadMe for the product, using a feature that has been in Retrospect for a while (auto-mounting of network volumes). It is only supported for AFP volumes.



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