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Installing the Retrospect Client for Windows and Linux: The procedure for installing Retrospect Client software on a Windows or Linux machine is:


Insert the Retrospect CD into a disc drive connected to your Macintosh computer.


Open the Install Retrospect Client folder and browse to the location of the Retrospect Client for Windows executable (Win_Client-6.5.exe), or the Linux installer files (retroclient-65.rpm or retroclient65.tar).


Copy the appropriate file to a location on the network.


Then copy the file to the Windows or Linux computer on which you want to install the client software.


You can also download the client software directly from www.dantz.com/updates



The Registry Backup Manager automates and simplifies Windows NT registry backup and is required for backing up Windows NT/2000/XP clients with Retrospect for Macintosh.


The Registry Backup Manager is installed by the client software's Setup program. To activate the registry backup manager, log in with Administrator permissions, go to the \Program Files\Dantz\Client folder. Double click on Regcopy.exe. Set the time and click On. This will activate it.


To uninstall it, log in with Administrator permissions. At the DOS command prompt, change to the client directory, enter "Regcopy /RemoveService", then delete the file Regcopy.Exe.



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