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Hi all,

I just bought Retrospect Backup 5.1 and I have a probloem backing up clients.

I have an iMac G4 (Mac OS X 10.3) working as retropsect server and a Titanium (10.2.4) as client.

I can see the Titanium in the Network window (even if it doesn't show as a OS X clinet but a OS 9) and I can login to it.

However as soon as I try to configure it or launch a testing backup I get the Net retry message that lasts several minutes before giving me an error like "it wan't possible to connect to teh clinet" or similar.

I opened the Retrospect Port on both Macs and also on the airport base, but still get the error.


All other network features (rendevouz, file sharing) work flawlessly....

I looked in the manual and in the online support (found only error 519 troubleshooting), I read the old messages about this issue, but couldn't find the solution.

Thanks for the help and sorry if it is a stupid question.




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I can see the Titanium in the Network window (even if it doesn't show as a OS X clinet but a OS 9) and I can login to it.



- What do you mean by saying that your OS X client shows up as an OS 9 client?


- Are you saying that the client was visible under Configure->Clients->Network->Type:Mac OS?


- The Mac OS selection type in the "Backup Clients on Network" window supports Mac OS 7.x, 8.x and 9.x, as long as it's running on a PowerPC (via TCP/IP). But it _won't_ show a Mac OS X client.


Was your Titanium running the Classic environment? Does it have the Retrospect control panel installed in System Folder:Control Panels? Such a configuration is not supported (and can lead to Classic failing to quit when it otherwise would).



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