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How can I get my OS 10.2.8 Duplicate to boot?

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I'm running Retro Desktop 5.0.238 on a PowerBook G3 (Pismo) running OS 10.2.8. Since upgrading to 10.2.8 I can't get the duplicate to boot. I run a duplicate script nightly to a media bay drive. When I try to boot my computer with the duplicate OS X drive it just sits at the grey screen with the circle with a line through it. With OS 10.2.6 I was able to boot without any problems.


How can I get this duplicate to boot? There's no point in making a duplicate if it won't boot.


Thanks for any help.



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The drive in question is the original 12GB stock Apple drive that came with my PowerBook G3 (Pismo) when I bought it. When I upgraded the internal drive I put the stock drive into a media bay device. It has always booted fine but since the upgrade to 10.2.8 it has not been able to boot. I'll try CCC and see if that works, but since this is the stock drive there should be no problem with it booting. I think it is a Retrospect problem in OS 10.2.8 not the drive, but I'll give your suggestions a try.





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The drive in question is the original 12GB stock Apple drive that came with my PowerBook G3 (Pismo) when I bought it. When I upgraded the internal drive I put the stock drive into a media bay device.



It was the media bay "device" I was referring to, not the physical HD it contains. Apple didn't make or market such devices, so it's possible that it has become unsupported under OS X (the way other older Macs have).


I've used Retrospect (both 5.0.238 and 5.1.175) to Duplicate many drives, and they have all booted afterwards. It'll be interesting to hear how things work for you when you try CCC.



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