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Retrospect 6.5 Launcher and Windows XP Power Management


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I have found that with both Retrospect Professional 6.0 and 6.5, I need to have power management in Windows XP Professional configured so that the monitor is never turned off. If I allow power management to turn off the monitor and leave the computer logged out (no user logged in), Retrospect launcher will not launch Retrospect to do a backup. Moreover, the only way to resume working on the computer is to press the reset key (nothing one does gets you to the login screen--one just gets a blank screen with a cursor).


I would appreciate any suggestions as to why this is occurring.



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Retrospect is set to log in as a local service. If I try to set it to log in as a user with administrator rights using an ID that i password protected, it issues an error message stating that it can't grant the user privileges. There is nothing that I can find in either the manual or the help file that addresses this subject.


Do you have any idea why this error is occurring?




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