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Scheduled scripts won't launch with Retrospect Running

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I am having problems with scheduled scripts not running. I have read previous posts regarding similar issues which suggested deleting the “retrorunfile”, but my issues are somewhat different from the issues earlier posters had.


I am duplicating a folder on my primary Xserve Raid to a folder on my secondary Xserve Raid nightly. I have Retrospect Server version 5.1.167 running on the Xserve connected to the secondary raid. The primary Xserve has the Retrospect client installed, and I am backing up across a dedicated gigabit Ethernet connection. The Xserves are running OS X Server version 10.2.8, all patches up to date. Energy Saver settings for both machines are set to never sleep.


The problem is, sometimes the scheduled backup does not start. I do not quit Retrospect, it is running all of the time, therefore I do not believe it is related to the “retrorunfile” problem. When I come in in the morning to check my backups via Apple Remote Desktop, the backup starts up as soon as I access the machine across the network. This occurs about once a week.


Anyone have any ideas?


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