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Restore Error: State information not restored, can't access Snapshot


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We've got Retrospect Multiserver 6.0 and I'm in the process of trying to restore a number of files (12 to be exact, not big files, mostly Word documents) from our backup (external firewire HDD).


I select the source, the destination, and the files with no problem. When I hit the "Restore" button, it looks as as if it restores all of the files but looking at the Destination, it's obvious that the files did not get restored.


The 1 excution error display in the log looks like:


+ Executing Restore from Backup at 11/5/2003 5:48 PM

11/5/2003 5:48:07 PM: Connected to FILESERVER2

To volume New Volume (D:) on FILESERVER2...


- 11/5/2003 5:48:07 PM: Restoring from Backup Set C

State information not restored, can't access Snapshot

11/5/2003 5:48:21 PM: 1 execution errors

Completed: 12 files, 1,919 KB

Performance: 37.4 MB/minute

Duration: 00:00:14 (00:00:10 idle/loading/preparing)



I'm not sure why it's complaing about not being able to access the Snapshot (since I can select files from a Snapshot, unless that's a different thing). Could it be that the Snapshot is corrupt? If so, how can I get to the files that I want (if manually) since they have been backed up?


I've done a search for "State information not restored, can't access Snapshot" in the forums but the two or three threads that show up don't exactly address the error.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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