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Quantum M1800, cannot see library

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Before upgrading to Retrospect 5.1, we ran a Quantum L500 with Retrospect 5.0 with no problems. Now, after purchasing a Quantum M1800 with two drives, and running Retrospect 5.1 with the SCSI update, we're able to see both drives in Retrospect (I thought the OS X version doesn't recognize more than one drive), but they are recognized as individual drives, not part of a library (no pop-up menu to change to different tapes, erase all, etc.)


What might we be doing wrong here? We're using the same SCSI cable, SCSI card, Retrospect 5.1 Server, and Mac that we used for the L500. We've checked Apple System Profiler in 10.2.8, and it is seeing the unique SCSI address of the library, as well as each tape drive.


Any ideas? We've had to revert to our L500 setup until we can get 5.1 working with the M1800, and thus can verify that the SCSI cable, card, Retrospect and Mac are working properly.

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