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network volumes

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I am using retrospect desktop to back up several directories on another PC. I have mapped network drives to the volumes. Both PCs are running Win 2000.


My first question deals with how Retrospect deals with the mapped drives and shared volumes.






I have a mapped drive K to the other PC. The root (?) or lowest level directory on the drive is a folder named PROGRAMS.




Within this directory there are three more directories which contain applications and their data.


Two of the Directories have to be backed up entirely. The third directory has several data directories within it that need to be backed up. When I try and select these directories I always end up getting the contents of the entire directory, not just the data directories that I need.


So I guess my questions are what is the proper way to




first: add volumes or network drives from the volume (network) window


when I add them sometimes some show up as directories or drives




second: if you add what appears to be a network drive in the volume browsing window (judging from the icon) what is the proper way to navigate down to the desired directory and add a directory?


In other words should I be adding the directories or "defining" them.




I only want to back up essential data and not the application data. I bought the program so I wouldn't have to buy an unnecessarily large tape drive. I have read the user's manual but have been unable to get the desired results.




Thanks in advance for any help







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To add a folder from a mapped drive, click on the Network button and keep navigating until you see the folder you want backed up. Highlight that folder and click on "Define". I think what you're doing here is defining a folder as a volume -- I guess Retrospect likes to deal with all backup sources as a "volume".




In terms of backup up only "essential data", you should try using a selector. Go to "Preferences" tab and click on Selectors. Create a new one and either use the "Include" or "Exclude" regions (or both) to pick the desired data.




For example, if you wanted to backup all the files in your Programs folder on your mounted drive with the extension '.exe', you would first Define the Programs folder in your script. Go to selectors and under the Include region, have the Name match pattern '.exe'. This makes a lot more sense if your actually doing this ;) Maybe one of the Dantz moderators can describe this better.



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I am familiar with the Selector feature. Are there any problems with creating a selector that "includes" only the folders I want to back up. This would be much easier than creating a selector that "includes" everything, but excludes those files which I specify (thousands of files).




I am just curious if this method has any unforseen consequences.




thanx in advance

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