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If you need to backup your database automatically you'll find the following script helpful. See comments for explanations and watch out for broken lines.




-----Cut and paste here----------------




(* This script was developed to serve FileMaker Pro database and Retrospect backups


on the same Mac. The trick is that database files need to be closed before they


could be backed up and we also need to back up some remote directories but not


stay connected to those machines during daytime. It also checks if the database


files stay open (available for users) during the FileMaker Pro activity


phase of the cycle. I also implemented automatic mount/unmount cycle for the


remote volumes. The paths (obviously) need to be corrected to match your


environment - "Startup Disk" definition does not work unless you "tell" the


Finder. Save this script under the name "Retrospect Event Handler" and put it


in "Hard Drive:System Folder:Preferences:Retrospect Preferences" folder. Make


an alias and put it in the "Startup Items".






on idle


--If Retrospect is not active make databases available


--but do everything in the background (invisibly)


set Retrospect_properties to info for file "Hard Drive:Applications (Mac OS 9):Retrospect Folder:Retrospect"


if busy status of Retrospect_properties is false then


set db_list to {"File_1.fp5", "File_2.fp5", "File_3.fp5", "File_4.fp5", "File_5.fp5"}


set root_dir to "Hard Drive:Documents:FileMaker:"


--First make sure that FileMaker itself is running


set FileMaker_properties to info for file "Hard Drive:Applications (Mac OS 9):FileMaker Pro 5.5 Folder:FileMaker Pro"


tell application "FileMaker Pro"


if busy status of FileMaker_properties is false then




end if


--Then verify that all databases are open


repeat with i from 1 to count items of db_list


set cur_db to item i of db_list


if not (exists window cur_db) then




set full_path to root_dir & cur_db


open file full_path


set visible of window cur_db to false


end if


end repeat


end tell


end if


return 30 --Repeat every 30 seconds


end idle




on RetrospectStart()


--Since we need to back up our database files - quit FileMaker


set FileMaker_properties to info for file "Hard Drive:Applications (Mac OS 9):FileMaker Pro 5.5 Folder:FileMaker Pro"


if busy status of FileMaker_properties is true then


tell application "FileMaker Pro"




end tell


end if


--Mount remote volumes that need to be backed up


tell application "Finder"


if not (exists disk "Hard Drive 1") then




mount volume "afp://name:password@Remote_Mac_1/Hard Drive 1"


end try


end if




--Repeat for each remote volume...




if not (exists disk "Hard Drive n") then




mount volume "afp://name:password@Remote_Mac_n/Hard Drive n"


end try


end if


end tell


end RetrospectStart




on RetrospectQuit()


--Unmount remote volumes


tell application "Finder"


put away (disks whose local volume is false)


end tell


--If it is night (between 12:00 and 6:00 AM) reboot the server


set cur_date to current date


set cur_time to ((time of cur_date) / 3600) --Divide seconds by 60*60 to get hours


if cur_time < 6 then


tell application "Finder"




end tell


end if


end RetrospectQuit

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