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Issues with new Retrospect client - eats lots of CPU


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The latest retrospect client (6.5.131) seems to eat lots of CPU even when its not backing up, like it stays at 99%. (PIII 1GHz w 256MB, Win2000 Professional, all service packs and updates.) Anyone else have had similar issues? I have a screen image of the Windows task manager showing the anomaly.


I have already searched the Dantz site.


- Steve



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What I've noticed here is that CPU utilization goes to near 100% for current Retro client (installed on a notebook) when I power it up after a suspend or hibernate. Not every time, but frequent. Also could be related to changing the IP config, because that usually happens in conjuction with the power-up (notebook goes from office network to client network to office network, for example).


If I restart the Retrospect service it drops back to 0% when it's idle.


Does any of that correspond to what you're seeing?

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