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i'm backing up a mac os 8.6 computer using retrospect 5.0 to a tape drive connected

to the computer.

occassionally, i get the a -24004 error.

it looks like retrospect is automatically starting at 10pm (which is correct) but then

sitting for an hour. at 11pm is times out but then proceeds to backup "isabel".

does anyone have any ideas as to the cause of this behavior?




? Retrospect version 5.0.238

automatically launched at 4/8/2003 10:00 PM

+ Retrospect Driver Update, version 3.1.105


+ Normal backup using Weekday group 1 DAT backup at 4/8/2003 10:00 PM

To backup set Week A Mon (Group 1)…


- 4/8/2003 10:00:53 PM: Copying Isabel…

Media Request timeout after waiting 01:00:00

Device trouble: “1-Week A Mon (Group 1)”, error -24004 (time limit exceeded).

4/8/2003 11:01:23 PM: Execution incomplete.

Remaining: 181 files, 2.6 GB

Completed: 0 files, zero KB

Performance: 0.0 MB/minute

Duration: 01:00:30 (01:00:23 idle/loading/preparing)


4/8/2003 11:01:23 PM: Execution incomplete.

Total duration: 01:00:30 (01:00:23 idle/loading/preparing)


+ Recycle backup using Weekday group 1 DAT backup at 4/8/2003 11:01 PM

To backup set Week A Wed (Group 1)…

4/8/2003 11:01:37 PM: Recycle backup: The backup set was reset


- 4/8/2003 11:01:37 PM: Copying Isabel…

4/8/2003 11:56:11 PM: Comparing Isabel…

File “Find by Content Indexing”: different creation date/time (set: 4/8/2003 12:00:04 AM, vol: 4/8/2003 11:59:20 PM), path: “Isabel:System Folder:Apple Menu Items:Recent Applications:Find by Content Indexing”.

File “FBC Indexing Preferences”: different modification date/time (set: 4/8/2003 12:04:29 AM, vol: 5/8/2003 12:05:35 AM), path: “Isabel:System Folder:Preferences:FBC Indexing Preferences”.

5/8/2003 12:54:22 AM: 2 execution errors.

Completed: 6450 files, 3.4 GB

Performance: 61.9 MB/minute (63.9 copy, 60.2 compare)

Duration: 01:52:45 (00:00:57 idle/loading/preparing)


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Error -24004 (media request timeout) indicates that Retrospect could not find a requested disk or tape before the Media Request Timeout period elapsed. Turn off the Media Request Timeout preference so Retrospect will wait indefinitely for the requested media.


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Hi Amy.


Thanks for the suggestion. I'm concerned that if I turn off the timeout that the backup won't occur at all.

Every evening, I always insert my media for the day and ask Retrospect to recognize the appropriate tape for that evening's backup. There is never a problem, so it's able to read the media then.

From the logs, it looks like it was unable to access the media between 10pm and 11pm. But then it timed-out and was automatically able to access the media at 11. No one was in the office, so nothing changed on the machine physically.

What causes Retrospect to not find the tape? If it fails once, does it just go to sleep until the timeout, or does it

continue trying?


Also, the 11pm (successful) backup includes the message "4/8/2003 11:01:37 PM: Recycle backup: The backup set was reset" what does this mean?




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aho said:
I'm concerned that if I turn off the timeout that the backup won't occur at all.


I think your concern is well founded.



Every evening, I always insert my media for the day and ask Retrospect to recognize the appropriate tape for that evening's backup. There is never a problem, so it's able to read the media then..


My reading of your logs is that at 10:00, Retrospect decided it needed to do an incremental backup to "Week A Mon (Group 1)", but the tape in the drive was "Week A Wed (Group 1)", so it could not do the backup. At 11:00 it decided to do a recycle backup to "Week A Wed (Group 1)", and finding the tape it proceeded.


The discrepancy in the number of files it's trying to back up tells me that one is an incremental and the other is a full.


A recycle backup means to erase the media and do a full backup, using the same media. My understanding (I don't have my manual handy) is that it will ONLY back up to the same media which had that label originally, not to blank media or to erasable media with a different label.


If you want to use erased media, you should do a "new media" backup instead of a recycle backup. Again, my understanding -- it's been three or four years since I used tapes.


I would be interested in seeing EXACTLY what your scripts say, as I can't quite work it out from the symptoms.


If you want me to come back here to follow up, please email me at edward@paleo.org, as I tend to drop in here only when I have a problem of my own. ;-)



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