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How to properly terminate Retrospect

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Recently Retrospect 6.5 MultiServer on NT4 began stalling on me repeatedly. It would not execute scripts anymore, just sit there and stare at me. When I try to quit Retrospect (using the File-Quit command, of course), I would get the sandwatch for hours without any change.


Using the Task Manager I then tried to quit all Retrospect instances, but to no avail - they stayed in the task list, running. My only choice is to reboot the server, which takes forever due to all the SCSI-devices attached.


Where do I begin?

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Retrospect may be waiting for information from the backup drive indicating that it is ready. Retrospect cannot quit until the backup hardware has completed operations (rewinding tapes for example).


As a test to help isolate the problem, try shutting down and unhook all SCSI devices. Boot and launch Retrospect. Does it quit normally? If so, try setting a script to run a few minutes in the future. Quit Retrospect and make sure it launches and quits normally. Don't worry that your backup drives are not attached. Retrospect should log an error and quit.

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