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R-1102 drive missing/unavailable i have maxtor and your software and i get error -1102 drive missin


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i have 2 problems


1. -1102 drive missing/unavailable i have maxtor and your software and i get error -1102 drive missing/unavailable




yest I can see drive on windows explorer and copy files to and from it






2. i have version 5.6 for windows how do i update




alpert@mail.com alpert@mail.com








-1102 drive missing/unavailable i have maxtor and your software and i get error -1102 drive missing/unavailable




yest I can see drive on windows explorer and copy files to and from it







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Open Retrospect, go to Automate > Scripts and edit your Maxtor OneTouch script. Go to Destinations. The setup wizard would have created a folder on the Maxtor drive as the destination. Make sure this folder is selected as the destination and hit OK.


Close script and save changes.


If you see two Maxtor drives listed, this indicates the drive has changed in such a way that Retrospect no longer sees it as the same drive. Changing the drive name, and reformatting can cause this, among other things. If you have two Maxtor drives listed in the Destination window, highlight the Maxtor drive that is greyed out and hit the Delete button on your keyboard to allow Retrospect to 'Forget' the old drive.


Then, highlight the existing Maxtor drive, hit the Subvolume button, scroll down to the Retrospect folder, open it and select the enclosed folder (which may be called something like "Backup C:"). Hit the Define button. You'll now see this folder listed in the Destination window under the Maxtor drive. Make sure the folder is selected, hit OK and close out of your script.


Another option is to delete the Maxtor OneTouch script from Automate > Scripts and delete the Retrospect folder from your Maxtor drive. Then hit the OneTouch button on the Maxtor drive to run the setup program again.



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