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Retrospect Keeps Forgetting Client

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We are running Retrospect 5 on a G3/200 with OS 9.2.2. I am trying to back up a Mac OS X Server (10.1.4), which is also running the Client version of the software.


Lately, I have been unable to have the backup computer maintain access to the client. I have been getting the infamous "Client not visible on the network" error on unattended backup attempts. If I try to log in to the client, it happens immediately. However, if I quit Retrospect and restart the program, the client is again not logged in and an unattended backup will fail. (Immediate backups, however, always seem to work.)


I had re-installed the software to take care of another problem, and now this one pops up. I searched the knowledge base, but most of those issues involve not being able to see the client, instead of not being logged into it automatically.


Anyone have any ideas as to a possible fix?



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Lately, I have been unable to have the backup computer maintain access to the client. I have been getting the infamous "Client not visible on the network" error on unattended backup attempts. If I try to log in to the client, it happens immediately. However, if I quit Retrospect and restart the program, the client is again not logged in and an unattended backup will fail. (Immediate backups, however, always seem to work.)



I'm confussed by what you are indicating works vs. what doesn't work. Here is what I'm understanding from your email:


- Unattended backups / Error 1028

- Log in client / Error 1028

- Quit Retrospect and relaunch / Error 1028

- Immediate backup / Works


Here are the contradictions:

1. If the client is not logged in, it is not possible to get error 1028 during an automatted backup. Technically, it doesn't exist to the application, and can't be part of a backup.

2. An Immediate Backup cannot backup a client that is not logged in.


I think what you are saying is that the client is logged in, but is not currently available. You must 'forget' the client before you can try to log it in again. Go to Configure > Clients. Highlight the client and go to Clients > Forget (or hit the delete key on your keyboard). Then try to log the client in by hitting the Network button.

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My apologies for sounding confusing. Here is the issue:


When I first launch Retrospect, and go to Configure>Clients, our server is in the database, but greyed out. Clicking on the Network... button then causes Retrospect to log into the client, and it is listed as "Responding." Once this happens, I can perform immediate backups.


However, at night, I am getting the "Error -1028, client is not visible on the network." I am only assuming these two issues are related, as the client is always greyed out when Retrospect is first launched. But perhaps I am mistaken and they are not the same. Why else would the backups not be happening?


I hope this helps explain things. Thanks again!

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Okay - I see what you're saying now. The client is greyed out indicating that it has not been recently accessed. This is normal. Retrospect does not maintain a connection to the client at all times - only when it is required.


Try this:


Create a script with this client as the source. Set the schedule to run a few minutes in the future. Quit out of Retrospect and wait for script to run.


- If you see the error 1028, go to Configure > Clients > Configure. Is the client available? If not, check the client machine to verify that it is turned on, not sleeping etc. Can you do an Immediate Backup at this point? How about a scripted backup?


- If the script works, yet you consistently see error 1028 _only_ on scripts that launch at night, check the client machine to see what may be running/not running/changing at night. In these types of situations, the most common cause is that the machine is shut down or sleeping. But the bottom line in this scenario is that something is happening at night that is preventing access to the client.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After some experimentation, I saw that I could run immediate backups as well as backups I set up in the very near future, but my nightly backups were still failing with the "Client not visible" error.


Then I saw that the Energy Saver panel had the hard drive drop into sleep after 30 minutes. I changed that to "Never" and haven't had any problems since.


Is this a known issue? I don't remember reading about this one.


Thanks for your help, though!

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