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206 Errors from first of multiple drives backed up in script

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Okay, the plot thickens. I have a PM G4 1028 Meg Ram 80 Meg internal ATA drive, running OS X 10.2.6, Retrospect 5.0.238. Backup device is a EZ-Quest BOA Superdrive (Pioneer DVR-105 mechanism). Volumes backed up are the local ATA drive, local external firewire drive, and the ATA internal drive on a network client. I frequently get 206 errors comparing from the first volume backed up by a script, regardless of which of the three drives is backed up first. The second and third drives back up without errors. In my experience with CD-R drives, a 206 error will close out the backup member (i.e., no more data can be written to that CD), but in this case, even though the drive is reporting 206 errors (and the files cannot be restored), data continues to be written to the rest of the DVD.


Any ideas what can be causing these errors?

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This drive is not yet supported for use with Retrospect. For a list of currently qualified devices, please see:


Hardware Search Engine


Dantz goes through a rigorous qualification process with every drive we test. This means that not every drive will be qualified and we can never guarantee that a particular device will be supported. Some drives do not get qualified ever, and some take 6 months to a year to get support. We have no way of telling if this drive will be supported or not at this moment.


We add device support often though, so do check back with our Hardware Compatibility list.


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Since it appears established that this drive (EZQuest Boa DVD-RW) is in fact supported by Retrospect, does anyone have any ideas as to what could be causing these 206 errors on compare? It seems to happen only on the first volume backed up when multiple volumes are backed up in the same operation.

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Sorry - my mistake. I saw Superdrive and Pioneer DVR-105. The Apple internal superdrive DVR-105 is not yet supported. You're correct -- the EZQuest version is supported.


Make sure you're using the latest version of the driver update, available from:




Are you turning the drive on before booting the computer?


Is the drive plugged directly into the native firewire port or is it routed through a chain or hub? Make sure the drive is isolated and plugged directly into the native firewire port.


What happens if you remove the firewire source from the backup? Do you see the same errors when backing up only the ATA drives (local and client)?


Try backing up multiple subvolumes from the internal drive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Strangely enough, it appears that if I schedule the backup of each of the three drives using three separate scripts, the 206 errors go away. Why backing up multiple drives, one after another, with the same script would cause 206 errors on verify is anyone's guess, but this seems to make the problem go away.


I'll run it like this for a solid week, and if I don't get any additional errors, I'll assume the problem is solved.

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Well, I'm still getting occasional 206 errors on verify using this device. All external drives (including this superdrive) are powered up before the computer is started. The drive is plugged directly into the G4's firewire port, not into a firewire hub or through another device. I seem to only get 206 errors when backing up the local ATA drive or the local FireWire drive, never the remote client. It's impractical to disconnect the FireWire drive, because it needs to be backed up.

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This sounds similar to the problem I am having. I've copied my separate post below (but no-one has responded to it yet, despite it having been on the hardware forum for a month). Does the nature of my problem give you any clues?




For months I've been getting intermittent Error 206 (drive reported a failure: dirty heads, bad media, etc). I'm backing up to a LaCie 48-12-48 FireWire CD burner from a PowerMac G4 running 10.2.6. The burner has been back to LaCie at least twice and they cannot fault it. The problem occurs regardless of what blank discs I use (premium brand and otherwise). I've made sure that I have the very latest update of Retrospect and the device drivers.


By chance recently I happened to notice that on two occasions the error seemed to occur just after other processor activity such as screen saver startup or a desktop photo change. Since then I've made sure that such things are disabled and Retrospect is in the foreground whenever it runs, and haven't had further trouble. I think I've found a temporary solution to my immediate problem, but ...


This isn't how it's meant to work. Firstly, shouldn't there be sufficient buffering that Retrospect should be able to run in the background? Secondly, the Retrospect manual says that Error 206 is always generated by the backup hardware, for a variety of reasons that do not seem applicable to my circumstances.


I would like to be able to run Retrospect unattended, regardless of what else is going on in my machine. Is my hypothesis about interference from other processor activity plausible, or can there be some other explanation for the Error 206?

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  • 1 month later...

I've since upgraded to Retrospect 5.1, and I seem to have gotten rid of the 206 errors. However, I had to do a custom configuration file for the superdrive, despite the fact that the drive is supported by Retrospect.


But so far, so good. No errors in a week or two.

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