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Unreadable Backup Sets on DVD-RAM discs

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I have Backup Sets on DVD-RAM, both 9,4 GB and 5,2 GB, and now the last member no 10 is unreadable. Copied data to harddisc and back to a new DVD-RAM disc and recataloged. But when recataloging member no 10 retrospect doesn't read more than half of the 9,4 GB disc and completes recataloging. This results in comparing the old Backup Set with the new thera are about 2,1 GB or 320 files missing. Tried recataloging a second time, same thing occurs. Checked the disc with Norton Utilities and everything is OK.


To my question, do Dantz have any "tool" for retrieving or extracting data and files from Backup Set documents, like the 2,99 GB documents, I have on my DVD-RAM discs. . At least I would be able to extract the "Compressed by software" data and safely start a new backup Set.


Second question: Tried to use the old Backup Set but inserting the earlier mentioned new member no 10 disc. This gave me the information that though it was named correctly it had wrong creation date. Reformatted the disc with the correct creation date and inserted it but got the same message. Do Dantz have any "tool" for changing the creation date and other information that retrospect obviously writes to correctly identify a member, so that it would be possible to fool Retrospect to think that the new DVD-RAM disc is the old disc. And thus be able to read the data on member no 10?


Best regards!


Per Carlsson

Printografen AB, Sweden

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Try a recatalog of only member 10 (Tools > Repair > Recreate from disk). When prompted for disks 1-9, skip them (mark them as missing). When prompted for a save location for the catalog, do not overwrite the existing catalog - be sure to save it to a different physical location on your hard drive.


This may allow you to access/restore the data. There are no tools in Retrospect to change the creation date of a disk. A program like ResEdit may provide this functionality.

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