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This disk is in use as another member, choose another disk or location

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Has anyone encountered this behavior?

I receive message "This disk is in use as another member, choose another disk or location"

after I try to point to the same backup set and location on the same drive.



* I've been running my normal backup script and this week while checking the status of my backups, I was being prompted to "Select a disk to add as storage to my backup set..."


* Initially, it seemed that I was running out of hard disk space on my backup drive. So, I stopped the backup, installed an additional hard disk, transferred other backup sets to the other drive to free disk space on the larger drive (now 37Gb free) and I let my script run as normal last night.


* I came in this morning and I was prompted again to add a disk...


* I figured that the script needed to repoint back to the original backup set to continue...but this did not work. Now, I'm receiving the same message above, even after freeing up disk space.




Any ideas? I'm hoping that my original backup set in not corrupted and that all I have to do is create a new backup set for my script.


Thanks in advance,





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It sounds like the destination disk is full or, when you set up the first member, you limited the amount of space it was allowed to use on the drive.


Go to Configure > Backup Sets > Properties > Members. Get properties on the member to see how much free space is available on the drive and the size the member is limited to.


If you are out of space, you will need to either recycle the backup set, or a pick a different disk to continue.

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