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We are running Retrospect 4.3 on a G3 266 w/ OS 8.1, 128 Ram -


It seems that something occured w/ the server prior to our back-up Friday night which prevented it from running. We think (underline the word "think") it then hung up the server over the weekend and for most of the day Monday. What is strange is we were able to access the server all day Monday (prior to noticing it was hung-up), however, all the documents we created/modified Monday were corrupted. Upon noticing the server was hung up, we force quit the server and a message came up re proceeding with the back-up.


Has anyone ever had a problem similar to this? Are we wrong in thinking Retrospect hung up the server and was the cause?



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It's hard to know without more information. Was Retrospect running at the time? If so, what was it doing? What does the log indicate was happening? What are you backing up to? What else was running at the time?



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