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Running out fo room on tape

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I have Retrospect V6 Single Server running on NT4 and have a Exabyte VXA tape drive with 107m tapes. I created a backup set for every day of the week and named my tapes acordingly. I am finding out that the first backup did everything. For example: Monday I backed up everything then used the same tape for next Monday and the Monday after that. Now it is telling me that I have no more room on the tape. How do I keep this from happening?


Scott Thompson

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You can change your script schedule from Normal (incremental) backups to Recycle (full) backups. The tape(s)/backup set(s) will be erased each time and written from scratch.


Normal backups append the changed data to the end of the existing data - as a result the tape will eventually fill up, requiring the next tape. It is not possible to selectively delete data from a backup set.


Your choices are to


- Backup less data - use selectors or subvolumes to limit the amount of data being copied

- Use Recycle backups

- Add additional tapes (members) as needed

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