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Will RE do DR recovery from network drive?


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So far I've found out that:


a) I can use RE to do a drive transplant using the DR recovery CD made as part of the backup process.


B) I can't use RE to copy a backup set larger than 4Gb onto the FAT32 formatted Maxtor USB drive I bought (have to convert it to NTFS before I could do that), and I already have a bunch of data on there that I have nowhere else to store just yet. Had I been a bit smarter about things I'd have 'converted' the Maxtor drive to NTFS using Disk Manager on the Win200 laptop before I added any data on it in the first place.


c) My last alternative for backing up my latop's 8Gb before I do a drive transplant is to do the backup over my home network onto a desktop PC that has about 9gb of NTFS freespace, create the DR ISO image and then create a bootable CD for the laptop.


The big question in all this is whether when I insert the Express disaster recovery CD into my laptop with the new empty larger HD installed, Express will be able to network to my desktop PC and find the backup to restore to my laptop??



Does the DR CD have network info on it to enable a network recovery of data? or will the DR process only work with locally attached media (local USB drive, internal CD, local tape)??





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If you boot from the Windows Disaster Recovery CD and Retrospect or Windows is unable to see a backup device, hard disk, network drive or RAID configuration, it could be that the system is missing important drivers.


When booting from the Windows Disaster Recovery CD, you will get a chance to add custom device drivers by pressing F6.


If you do miss this step when booting from the CD, reboot from the DR CD and add any additional drivers that are needed to access networking, backup devices or RAID volumes.


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