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Express - Windows XP


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In the last month I have purchased two Maxtor External Drives with the OneTouch Feature provided by Retrospect Express software.


Each external drive is attached to a separate Dell PC, purchased in the last six months, both running windows "XP Home".


The OneTouch feature works without as problem and on both machines, and has been activated for automatic operation.


However, trying to do an automated normal backup on both machines with Dantz Retrospect Express appears impossible.


The initial setup of a back up set can be achieved, thereafter the programme always stops at "Ready to execute" and the message is always the same "Programme does not respond". I have reloaded the software reset the script schedule till I am blue in the face,all to no avail! Set a new script etc.


Both computers always produce the same result as soon as one trys to take any action with Retrospect Express software - "Programme not responding" .

There seems to be a fundamental fault between the software and Windows XP???


Basically use the OneTouch feature and all is OK,


Use Retrospect Express and the programme will freeze and the computer can only be manually closed down and rebooted to get rid of the Retrospect Express screen.


Advice to a novice user of Retrospect Express would be most welcome


Thank you



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