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Exclude Retrospect Catalog files?

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How do I put together a selector that will exclude Retrospect Catalog files? There is little point in backing up catalog files to the main backup set. I prefer to use a special backup set that just backs up the catalog files. If my disk fails, then I can re-create the catalog for this special set from a rather small backup set (usually 1 CD-RW), which is a lot faster than scanning a whole tape.


I have tried many methods, some based on Unix paths, but nothing works. Unfortunately, the documentaion for selectors is somewhat lacking.


What I have now is a selector (for my main backups) that excludes:


Enclosing folder path name contains `Users/admin/Retrospect Folder'. My catalog files are in

/Users/admin/Retrospect Folder/


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Excluding all Retrospect files might be a good idea, but it is not what I wanted.


I found something interesting. Experimenting with the Find utility in the backup set browser, I discovered that


path name contains Users/admin/Retrospect


did not find any files. However


path name contains admin/Retrospect


did find the folder "/Users/admin/Retrospect Folder" (quote marks added for clarity). So did:


path name contains Documents/admin/Retrospect




path name contains "admin/Retrospect Folder".


I have the partition that otherwise would be mounted as /Volumes/Documents, mounted via fstab (using UUID) on /Users. The partition name "Documents" does not show up in any Terminal/shell command results that I can think of, such as "pwd". But Retrospect prefers to identify the path exclusively as Documents/admin/Retrospect Folder. This appears to be a translation of the MacOS 9 path "Documents:admin:Retrospect Folder:".


I hope the next major revision of Retrospect will support paths as they are seen in a shell.

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